Thursday, January 14, 2021
I remember when he bought the retired fluorescent green fire-truck and infamously named it “the bird”. In the spring we would drive around on lunch hours from school near the sidewalks and soak “appropriate” unsuspecting pedestrians with puddles. He would call out loud, like a bird, with every successful splash. He was so concerned with being held responsible and would take every measure not to be seen. Next to ManWoman’s yellow Cadillac, it was the most recognize vehicle in the city and everyone knew it was a “Bertran” vehicle, yet he went to hilarious efforts to conceal his identity. He was an avid fan of the joke/prank, taking any and every opportunity to put ketchup in someone’s straw when they stepped away from the table or, in the winter, rub his hands together in “the bird” while he warmed up and not unlock the passenger door to let his friends in.
His laugh was boisterous and he had a good heart. I’m saddened by the news of Stacey’s passing and encourage those with memories to share them. My sincerest of condolences to the Bertran family.
Sheldon Vogt