Friday, February 13, 2015
I still think of Harry at least a handful of times a year. That's because he wasn't a very nice person. His obituary is fanciful. His views toward the indigenous population were incredibly racist, his table manners atrocious, his ghastly pipe-smoke stench hideous and he hid behind his occupation on occasions too numerous to mention. Though married for many years, Harry and Nancy's marriage was essentially loveless. Two of their three children wanting nothing to do with them for many years, Harry and Nancy made little attempt at reconciliation. Harry had no time for anyone's opinion if it altered from his own. And behind people's backs he would tell others of their shortcomings. Not very 'Reverend'-like but that would come as no surprise to many. There was something that never sat right with a lot of people who came across his path. I had little time for this man and I once knew him well. He is not remembered fondly and if heaven exists in the spiritual world - I'm confident Harry Sandford Rose is not a part of it. R.I.H